Life has been crazy being a mom of two. In some ways it has been a very easy transition, but at times when both of them are crying or needing me in some way it can seem very stressful! However, every week gets easier as we get into a routine! Addison is a GREAT big sister. Joey and I are amazed at how much she adores and loves her little brother. She hasn't shown any jealousy at all so far. She loves giving him kisses and talking to him and patting his head. She will bring him his "paci" and she even tries to pat his back and burp him at times (this is not always helpful!) Here are some things I have noticed about my two cuties...
1. LOVES music. She loves listening to CDs in our playroom and tries to dance when songs come on. Anything musical will entertain her.
2. Sesame Street...she can spot Elmo a mile away in a store...but her favorite is cookie monster. She is obsessed with anything that has sesame street on it, and therefore...they are making alot of money off of us :)
3. Stickers-she loves drawing and coloring, but she also really likes stickers. She can sit there forever decorating her paper (or other inanimate objects such as the coffee table, the chair or even her brother) with stickers.
4. Apples and Juice. Addison asks for juice constantly...we don't give her much juice but when we do she downs the whole cup or juice box in minutes. She also asks for apples all the time...breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Other than french fries and fruit snacks...apples are her favorite food :)
5. Being Outdoors...Addison loves to slide and swing...therefore, we try to go to the park alot and fortunately she has a small slide and swing in the backyard. It has been so nice outside that we have spent lots of afternoons out there.
1. LOVES eating...ALL.THE. TIME. He is a growing boy!
2. Smiling...Joey has the cutest smiles!! They just melt me :)
3. Talking...He has also started to "coo" and chat with us a little...we love listening to him make sounds.
4. His sister...Joey loves Addison and often gives her the biggest smiles...She loves him equally as much... She will not leave his side (which is sometimes a problem!) She always wants to know where he is and what he is doing. She reads books to him, and kisses and hugs him. She is the BEST big sister :)

The cutest little firewoman!
This is what Joey does most of the day...
Beth, what precious kids you have! I love the lipstick picture, how cute is she? Hang in there, it will get easier.
I love the lipstick picture...They are such cuties!!
Awww, I love all the new pics!! Looks like you are adjusting to being mommy of two just perfectly! :) Both your kiddos are adorable and I'm so happy for you. Isn't having both a boy and a girl such a blessing?! :)
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