Our little girl is now 8 months old and time is flying by so fast. She has had a cold for the last two weeks and has also been teething so needless to say...I haven't been very good at blogging lately! Here a few updates:
1. Her favorite toy is a my little pony and a baby doll. She loves to play with the pony's hair and she of course tries to chew on it. The my little pony goes everywhere with us. She also loves playing with the baby doll. She hugs it and gives it kisses! It's very sweet. She is definitely all girl!
2. Addison is eating real food now! She can have tiny bites of our table food and chewy things like crackers, cheerios, and bread. She also likes to make noises while she is eating. She is a very loud eater. She also still has some weird eating habits. She loves vegetables and isn't as fond of fruit. This blows my mind. Fruit seems so much tastier!
3. Addison's favorite book is an animal touch and feel book. The duck is her favorite!! Everytime I make the "quack" noise...she lights up and reaches out for it!
4. Addison has become quite efficient at the "army crawl". She can move around pretty well by scooting and using her hands to pull herself. We can no loner leave her without watching her!
5. Addison is getting really good at standing and taking steps. I think she will be walking before we know it! She loves to hang on to furniture and walk around. She bangs on the coffee table and chairs. She can stand by herself for a few seconds at a time and she can walk with a walker or with our help. She has very strong legs!
6. Addison LOVES her dad. She gets so excited when he comes in the door each evening. She often tries to "flirt" with him. It is so cute! She will "act shy" by turning her head and putting her hand in her mouth then turn back around with a big smile! Needless to say, she has him wrapped around her little finger :)
7. Addison loves to pull hair (especially her cousin's!). We have caught her doing this to other kids numerous times in Sunday School and last week she had her cousin, Brynn, in a headlock with her hands wrapped in her hair. I'm not sure what her fascination is, but it could be because she still doesn't have any hair of her own!!
8. Addison ran a fever for the first time last week. It was so pathetic and pitiful. Joey and I have never seen her so clingy and fussy! Yet, even though she was in a bad mood at times she was also very cuddly and wanted to just curl up on our shoulder and sleep. This was the first time I had seen my baby sick and it it made me so sad :(