Friday, January 9, 2009

Addison is 10 months old!

Month 8 and 9 seemed to fly by! I cannot believe that she is 10 months old. Joey and I are amazed at how quickly she is growing up right before our eyes. I am already starting to think ahead to her first birthday party! Here are some updates on our little Addison...

-Addison is high energy!! She is still laid back in the sense that she doesn't get frustrated or upset easily. However, she has been in constant motion ever since she started crawling and now she is pulling up and trying to walk!

-Addison isn't walking yet, but she is very close! She has even taken a few steps on her own. She no longer wants to be held, she wants DOWN! She dives out of our arms towards the floor and several times we have very nearly dropped her as she catches us off guard! She is very independent and wants to be able to do everything on her own.

-Addison is a FLIRT. Joey is going to have his hands full!! Recently, one of her Sunday School teachers told us laughingly that she is always into the boys! When we went to a Christmas party over the holidays Addison was enamored with a guy who is a family friend. She wanted to walk to him all night and then she would look at him and act shy and hide her face on my shoulder. It was hilarious watching her! 

-Eating is a battleground. Addison has recently decided she no longer wants baby food and cereal... she wants real food! A week ago, I finally gave up. She wanted nothing to do with her baby food. She pushes the spoon away or spits it out! The girl has some spunk!! Anyway, I decided not to battle any longer so she is now eating table food. She eats cut up grapes, cheese, bites of chicken, bananas, cheerios, and yogurt (which is her favorite!). She loves exploring new foods and we love watching her. When you first give her something new she sticks out her tongue for a taste and then scrunches up her face in disgust and then if its good she finally opens her mouth. Her favorite foods are: french fries, yogurt, cheese in any form, and ravioli (well of course she is part Italian!). However, I am having a really hard time getting her to eat fruits and vegetables! Needless to say eating is the one area she has a difficult time with so all of you experienced moms give me some advice on how to get her to eat something nutritious!

-Addison has two more teeth. Her top front teeth finally came in. Just in time for Christmas! She looks so much older with top AND bottom teeth and she can certainly chew :)

1 comment:

the Hunts said...

Addison is so cute.....I hope Noah will have a chance to date her one day.....when she is 21 ....and Noah is 20