Wednesday, September 24, 2008
First Tooth!
Well after weeks and really a few months of wondering when we would see her first tooth, it finally pushed through today!! It is on the bottom, right in the middle and it's pretty sharp. It's so funny because she has been drooling and chewing profusely for a while now. People would always ask if she was teething but there really was no way to know. Last week at the pediatricians office the Dr. told us she was very close! I guess she was right! This afternoon she had drooled so much I had to change her clothes twice, so I stuck my finger in there and low and behold there was tooth poking through. Amazingly Addison hasn't even been fussy. I was dreading going through teething, but so far it has been a fairly painless process (for me anyway! ) I will post some pictures soon :)
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Great Weekend!
This past weekend was very fun. Joey and I were able to get away to College Station Friday night (Joey's mom kept Addison). When we got into town, we got to see my brother and his girlfriend. My brother got his aggie ring this weekend so it was special to celebrate with him. After hanging out with my brother, we got to go out for a date to a nice restaurant called The Republic (compliments of my brother who gave us a gift certificate!). Also, I got to see two of my roommates that I haven't seen in a long time!! It was so good to see Mere (who is a week past her due date and set to have her baby Monday) and Katrina who just had a baby a month ago. Canon was so cute! Friday night we stayed up late talking and catching up and I felt so blessed to be able to see each of them. I am so greatful that the Lord gave me such wonderful roommates in college and I am also thankful that we still stay in touch and get to see other regularly! :)
The next day we went out to eat at the Hullabaloo diner out in Wellborn and it was quite possibly some of the best breakfast I have ever had. I highly recommend it if you are ever in College Station! Later we made it to Kyle Field for the A&M/ Miami game and was less than thrilling if you were an aggie fan. This is going to be a LONG season :)
Below I posted a video of Addison in her jumpster. She loves jumping up and down in it. It is hilarious. The more you egg her on saying "go, go go," the more crazy she gets!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
6 Months Old!
Today, Addison had her 6 month check up. She is growing so quickly!! She is still in the 95th percentile for height at 28 1/2 inches and she now weighs almost 18 pounds. No wonder my arms have been getting a work out! The doctor thought she heard a murmur in her heart at her last check up but we were so thankful that she said that she didn't hear any evidence of it this time! Praise the Lord! Here are a few things that Addison has been up to recently...
- Her favorite toys are my measuring cups and spoons. She loves chewing on them and banging with them. I love how we buy her elaborate blinky noisy toys and she is thoroughly entertained by mere plastic!
- Addison is also able to sit up by herself now! She is still a little wobbly, but for the most part she can sit independently. yeah!
- She likes to imitate noises and facial expressions. Today she had this silly snorting thing going on
- She loves playing peek-a-boo with me...she also loves to be surprised. I often go and hide behind something and then jump out. She gets a kick out of it.
- she likes dancing and singing. Many times as I am cleaning I put on some old school jams and we sing around the house and dance together. She loves it and often ends up laughing!
-She has become quiet the daredevil in her swing outside. She now leans forward and tries to kick herself to make it go higher and faster.
-Addison has moved on to eating fruits and veggies. We tried carrots out today...she wasn't such a fan. They ended up everywhere but in her mouth!
Here a few random pictures from the past few weeks...

Addison and her cousin Brynn at the mall on the merry go round ride

Addison and Brynn playing at the pool
Addison trying to figure out how to crawl
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Today I had lunch with a friend of mine and her cute little daughter Mollie. Mollie is only two months old and I forget how tiny and little they are at that age!! Addison is only 6 months old, but she seems so huge comparatively. It was so much fun to hang out with Misty and Mollie. I titled this entry "play date" but really the girls didn't play was more Misty and I that ended up talking and hanging out! I can't wait until they get bigger though...I know they will be good friends! :)
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Addison loves Maddie!
Addison absolutely LOVES her dog! Anytime Maddie comes near her she goes crazy and laughs hysterically. She loves touching her and especially loves pulling on her tail and feeling her fur. Here is a video clip of Addison playing with Maddie...
Family Photos
Thursday, September 4, 2008
New Sleeping Position
Recently Addison has started sleeping more on her tummy and her side. When I walked in the other afternoon I have to admit I got a little scared because I didn't know how she was able to breathe sleeping like that!! It doesn't seem that comfortable to me, but she was definitely in a DEEP sleep (hmm...who does that remind me of??). She didn't wake up at all after I tried to rub her back and talk to instead I took pictures of her :)
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