Friday, May 2, 2008

Back to Brown...

So I dyed my hair yesterday. I originally wanted it to just go back to my root color (I am not even sure I know what that is anymore!). However, it seemed to end up much darker and red. How did that happen?! I am so trusting with my hair and I am always wanting a change. When will I learn my lesson. I also for some reason decided I wanted bangs even though I probably haven't had them since the third grade! Do you ever pick out the celebrity hair cut and think the face comes with it? I make that mistake all the time...Anyway, I of course blabbed to the hair lady about how much I loved it even though I wanted to cry inside. Later I vented to Joey that I hated my hair and that eventually led to my break down about my appearance in general and it was a mess...Can anyone identify with me here? Don't you just love being a woman? Anyway, my freak out is over...I am recovering and perhaps I will enjoy this new brown!


Liz said...

Wait.... where is the pic of the brown hair?? How am I supposed to comment unless I see a pic? YAY.... LoSurdo Family Blog!!! I love it.

Hayley said...

Let me be the first to say..your brown hair is cute!!!!

Amber said...

woo hoo!!! i haven't even read anything on your blog yet, but i'm sooooo excited!!!