Our golden retriever, Maddie, turned one year old! Yeah! We love her to death. In fact before I had Addison, I was worried I might love my dog more than my own child (but that quickly changed!). The other night we decided to have a birthday party for her to celebrate. She has been a little neglected since Addison arrived and we wanted to make her feel special. Yes, we are those corny dog owners that go way overboard for their pets.We had party hats, cake and presents. She loved it. She got a few rawhides, a new stuffed duck and a stuffed cat. She also got a squeeky foot. She is obsessed with shoes and feet in general. I know it's gross...
I thought I would add a few things that we love about Maddie:
1. She loves to cuddle. We started out not allowing her on the bed with us, but that changed quickly! She now loves to curl up in the mornings...often she will try to squeeze right in between us or she will sprawl out and inevitably one of us will get nearly shoved off the edge (usually me). When Joey leaves in the morning and I am still in bed she will curl up in his spot and lay her head on my pillow!
2. She has an obsession with shoes. She always curls up next to a good smelly shoe! Recently every night she has taken the inserts out of Joey's shoes and slept on them. We know it's weird, but also cute in a way...
3. She loves to eat ice! Anytime we hit the icemaker on our refrigerator she comes running.
4. Her best friend is her stuffed duck. She takes it with her almost everywhere!
5. She is freakishly scared of the vacuum cleaner. She normally hides upstairs behind the couch when it comes on. We even used the vacuum to defend our christmas tree this year, we placed it in front of the tree and not a single ornament was touched!
6. We love the way she thinks anything is a treat even medicine...you should see the way she begs for benadryl (for her allergies). We said she was cute....we didn't say she was smart :)
We love you Maddie and we are so glad you are part of our family!